Presentations and performances by scholars or performing artists may be recorded by ___________________ [enter the name of institution] staff. These recordings are then archived in the Claremont Colleges Digital Library. This permission form governing recording rights and further duplication or use of these recordings will be filed in the Libraries of the Claremont Colleges. Any questions should be directed to the Libraries.
I, ____________________________, scholar, student, performer, or director of the ______________________________ (ensemble), give the staff of ______________________________ [enter the name of the institution] permission to (check one or both)
my/our presentation or performance given ______________________________ (date) at _______________________________[enter the name of institution] ______________________________ [enter presentation of performance location] ________________________________________ In addition, I grant the Claremont Colleges Digital Library permission to make copies of this recording or videotape for requestors as noted below. Please check all appropriate choices:
_____ Presenters, performers, or ensemble members
_____ Student/faculty/staff person of ____________________________ [enter the name of institution]
_____ Off-campus person
_____ Educational use (e.g., examples for instructional websites)
_____ Promotional use by ________________________ [enter the name of institution] (website, compilation CD or DVD, etc.)
Signed ______________________________________________ Date _____________________
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